Postolowo hotels

Outside Postolowo

  • Cząstkowo
  • Postolowo hotel market

    Postolowo, a small resort in the Pomeranian Voivodeship, is situated approximately 30 km from Gdansk. The village is famous for its large golf course, which with every passing year has become increasingly popular with golf players. Due to its ideal location, Postolowo is a good starting point for trips to the Tricity, Malbork and Frombork. Although the number of hotels in Postolowo is limited, it seems adequate for the number of visitors, so finding appropriate accommodation here should be problem-free.

    Hotels Postolowo

    Check our best accommodation offers in Postolowo


    Sentoza Golf

    Starting from:35 EUR

    Pensjonat Noce i Dnie

    Starting from:30 EUR


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