Wolf’s Lair

A visit to the Hitler’s headquarter, which was built in relations to the German plan of conquest of the Soviet Union. ‘Wolfschanze’ (Eng. Wolf’s Lair) – the name of the place located in the middle of masurian wilderness is connected with the alias of Hitler, who tended to introduce himself as ‘Mr. Wolf’ during the period of the conspiracy of Munich.

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Duration 12 hours
Availability every day
Average rating no reviews/5

Price on request

In the middle of masurian wilderness there are ruins of Hitler’s headquarter, which was built in relations to the German plan of conquest of the Soviet Union. ‘Wolfschanze’ (Eng. Wolf’s Lair) – the name of the headquarter, is connected with the alias of Hitler, who tended to introduce himself as ‘Mr. Wolf’ during the period of the conspiracy of Munich. In this place the headman of the Third Reich has spent almost 3 years (1941-44) taking the most important decisions, as well as the famous, failed attempt of assassination from 1944, led by Claus von Stauffenberg, took place in here.

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