Hotels Poland Dzwirzyno hotels Ośrodek Sanatoryjno Wypoczynkowy Posejdon

Ośrodek Sanatoryjno Wypoczynkowy Posejdon

78-131 Dźwirzyno, Spacerowa 5

Centre in Dzwirzyno has a joint administration of the center of the "Poseidon" in Kolobrzeg. In the center of Dzwirzyno, just 200m from the sea and 1.5 kilometers from Lake Resko, the beautiful pine forest, located the two main two-story pavilions hotel. The third building houses a cafeteria and a lounge.

Facilities in hotel

Hotel's description


Once at the resort can take 170 people. For our guests with rooms for two and three - bed, with en-suite with standard equipment and two-room studio space for four people. Each room has a TV, radio, telephone and beach equipment. Some rooms have balconies or out on the promenade between the buildings.


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