Zegrze hotels

Near Centre

Zegrze is a village popular among tourists and business people for its excellent location close to Warsaw. Hotels near the centre of Zegrze are not far from the artificial Lake Zegrze, and are able to cover all of the needs of any visitor to Zegrze.

  • South

Zegrze hotel market

Zegrze is the perfect camping location for Varsovians, and is situated just a stroll away from the capital city of Warsaw at Zegrzynski Dam. Hotels in Zegrze are situated close to the beach, forming convenient accommodation for both the tourist and the businessperson who makes their arrangements in Warsaw before travelling back north. Zegrze hotels are not numerous, but there seem to be enough to meet needs of the visitors. A hotel in Zegrze can be a good choice if you are living in Warsaw and wish to have a refreshing weekend stay not far from the city. Zegrze hotels are also often selected by Warsaw companies and other enterprises for organising incentive and team-building events.

Hotels Zegrze

Check our best accommodation offers in Zegrze


Hotel 500

Starting from:77 EUR

Pałac Zegrzyński

Starting from:52 EUR


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